M400, M4000 Smart Glasses meet EMC safety standards

If deemed unsafe, a technology is useless. This truth plagues developers of drone swarms and driverless vehicles - innovations that could be revolutionary, if only the risks didn’t outweigh the benefits.

Today, Vuzix Smart Glasses and the entire wearable display tech industry fell on the right side of history, with M400 and M4000 devices earning EMC Safety Standard Certification for Medical Electrical Equipment.

While it comes as no surprise, it represents yet another step forward for the hands-free tech - which are increasingly being adopted by global healthcare leaders.

READ: How are Smart Glasses Revolutionizing the World of Caregiving?

What meeting EMC safety standards means for Vuzix M-Series Smart Glasses:


 Probably the most important aspect of the certification is health-related - it proves that Smart Glasses don’t emit electromagnetic disturbances. This is paramount, as the devices would be unusable. Instead, they’re already becoming a foundational part of medical practices and procedures.

The Operating Room, evolved

Completely hands-free, Smart Glasses allow doctors to focus 100% of their attention on procedures. They don’t even need an assistant to feed their instructions verbally - all vital info can be found in their display. Thanks to AR (augmented reality), doctors are automatically fed instructions and tips directly into their eyes. They can even summon info using their voice.

Vuzix M400 & M4000 Smart Glasses have received EMC Safety Standard Certification for Medical Electric Equipment.


Medical to mainstream

Spurred by the global pandemic, the healthcare industry has embraced Smart Glasses. The hands-free technology helps practitioners across the world follow physical distancing protocols while treating patients.

The devices also make it easier to follow sanitation protocols, as they provide info without the need to grasp a tablet or clipboard.

It also helps them connect to colleagues with unprecedented ease, allowing experienced doctors to walk trainees through even the most complex procedures.

The technology’s popularity in the medical world should trigger adoption across industries. After all, Smart Glasses are considered the next evolutionary step after smartphones.

Until then, expect the technology to gradually ease its way into mainstream life - just as Zoom and other teleconferencing apps did over the past year.

See the full press release here.

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