Hands-free tech could revolutionize marketing

It’s a well-known fact that personal references lead to sales. In other words, you’re more likely to buy something recommended by a friend.

Marketers are well aware. Since the dawn of consumerism, they’ve done everything they can to get consumers to try products. Simply telling them isn’t enough.

Why do you think Costco offers free samples? How about those free perfume scent tests?

This is why Augmented Reality (AR) could be the next great marketing innovation. While smartphones provide customers with more product info than ever before, AR could let them try products - virtually.

READ: Marketing’s Future Goes Through Smart Glasses

Why Smart Glasses could bring AR marketing to the mainstream:

  • Imagine browsing Amazon hands-free, swiping through products that float in virtual space.
  • See a pair of designer sunglasses you like? Go ahead, handle them in 3D space.
  • Looking for a new car? Step inside any model within your price range.
  • Found a backpack your friend would love? Send them a virtual model. They could even inspect the pouches, placing items inside to test its capacity.

The possibilities don’t end there...

Smart Glasses could let consumers try out products before buying using Augmented Reality.
Image credit: Financial Post


Virtual tours and beyond

Going out of town and don’t know where to stay? Take a 3D-rendered stroll through available hotel rooms. 

AR is already used to educate customers about products. Entire companies are dedicated to providing AR marketing solutions.

However, most applications are restricted to bulky headsets and unintuitive smartphones.

Smart Glasses could offer a major improvement, letting businesses place virtual products directly into the hands of consumers.

“Vuzix” is a registered trademark of Vuzix Corporation
“Costco” is a registered trademark of Costco Wholesale Corporation
“Amazon” is a registered trademark of Amazon.com, inc.