Hands-free translation services

Imagine having subtitles for everyday life. This is a reality for Vuzix Blade users, who are now able to receive real-time multilingual transcriptions by downloading Zoi Meet.

READ: Vuzix Blade® Smart Glasses in Security Applications

The app can automatically transcribe speech from 12 supported languages. Using the Blade’s microphone, translation software displays what’s being said onto the lenses.

Real-time language transcription software now exists on the Vuzix Blade. Credit: Interesting Engineering and Zoi Meet

Essentially, Zoi Meet turns the Blade’s microphone into a live closed captioning device. See the Zoi Meet app in our Vuzix app store.


Bridging cultural gaps

One of the first language transcription apps to hit the smart glasses market, the uses are endless.

In a world where business is regularly conducted across borders, this technology will one day eliminate the need for in-person translators.

The 12 supported languages are English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Arabic, Chinese (simplified), Japanese and Korean.

With the Blade, we’re all multilingual. You can read the full Vuzix news release here.


“Vuzix Blade” and “Vuzix” are registered trademarks of Vuzix Corporation