The medical professionals in Ukraine have been overwhelmed by the number of military and civilian casualties encountered since the first Russian invasion on their country on February 24. Doctors have done their best, and continue to do so, to keep up with the rising demand for medical attention, while the men and women continue to bravely fight for their nation, with still no end in sight. As a result, many medical facilities are left overwhelmed and unable to keep up with demand. Vuzix, in collaboration with Ohana One and TeleVU, has taken meaningful strides to assist the medical professionals in war-torn Ukraine, equipping teams with the necessary surgical infrastructure.

Ohana One is a California-based surgical training nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate high-quality surgical and anesthesia programs in developing areas around the world today. In partnership with TeleVU, an Ontario-based technology company offering innovative AR, AI and IoT solutions with a special focus on healthcare, Ohana One equips medical professionals with a network of AR smart glasses assisted training resources. Ohana One’s goal has been to bridge global gaps in surgical care by enabling the access to advanced surgical training and mentorship programs, and Vuzix has supported that vision by providing the innovative technology. Together the partnership allows for educational resources to be made available in both developing areas and/or areas of need.

Vuzix has donated several pairs of M400 smart glasses, which will run the TeleVU telepresence software and be administered through Ohana One’s ongoing borderless mentor/mentee effort, to support efforts in war-torn Ukraine. The M400 smart glasses will be worn during medical procedures to assist the medical professionals and give them the support they need as they administer to the wounded.

The smart glasses will provide each surgeon with a portable, high-quality viewing experience, providing the ideal environment for the use of TeleVU telepresence software enabling mobile iSee-what-uSee video streaming, and augmented reality surgery assist, all in real-time. This allows for the doctors in Ukraine to share their surgical fields directly with connected medical professionals around the world, including live studio-quality feeds, recorded videos, and high-definition images, as well as the ability to subsequently write on top of captured images. Such videos are processed by TeleVU’s AI facial blurring algorithms to ensure privacy of patients and staff. The doctors connecting to them can offer commentary and written instructions, as well as use their hands to point out areas that may need special attention or direction, all as if they were physically in the operation room. Vuzix hardware, paired with the TeleVU software, enables Ohana One’s seamless and instantaneous mentor/mentee experience by creating an environment where medical professionals from around the world can be available in real-time during surgeries, preoperative planning, and post-operative monitoring.


“The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has been devastating and we felt that one of the best ways Vuzix could offer the country assistance is to support their efforts in treating their wounded,” said Paul Travers, President and CEO of Vuzix. “With the country’s doctors, nurses and facilities inundated with casualties in many regions, our smart glasses and the remote medical support they can provide will help facilitate the best medical treatment possible under their extremely tough conditions.” For more information about the collaboration efforts between the companies, read the full press release here.


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