ORDER Support

How do I place an order?

If you'd like to purchase your products through our site, you can visit our product pages and add the items you'd like to your cart. If you'd prefer to have a demo and then place a corporate or bulk order, please reach out to us using our contact form.

Can I track my order?

You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your order is shipped. This email will contain your tracking number and carrier information for you to track your order.

Do you ship internationally?

We do ship internationally. You can see a list of countries that Vuzix products are sold here. If you want to purchase our products and you live in the EU or Japan, please visit our Vuzix Europe or Vuzix Japan sites to purchase your products.

How can I Make A Return?

If you'd like to return your Vuzix products, please contact us through our contact form. We will send you instructions on how to make a return.

Payment support

What credit cards do you accept?

We accept Discover, American Express, Visa, and Mastercard.

Can I pay by ACH?

We do not directly accept ACH. You can checkout using PayPal, and select 'Pay by ACH' to checkout and pay via ACH payments.

Account support

How do I update my billing address?

Login to your account here. From your user dashboard, you can manage your billing and shipping address from the Acccount Details section of your dashboard on the right hand side. Select 'View Address' and you can edit your address from the address page.

How do I update My Payment Information?

Login to your account here. From your user dashboard, you can manage your payment methods from the Account Details section of your dashboard. Select 'View Payment Methods' and select the card you'd like to update or remove.

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