Real-Time Translation Software Could Make Language Lessons Obsolete

Travel is a beautiful thing. Not only does it provide memorable experiences, it allows us to transcend cultural norms that so often narrow our view of the world. However, life abroad can be challenging. Particularly in countries where you don’t speak the common tongue, communication is a hassle.

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This impedes a traveler’s ability to navigate their new environment in an efficient way. Indeed, language barriers are considered a rite of passage for those abroad, emphasizing the fish-out-of-water sensation so many travelers yearn for.

Nevertheless, these awkward interactions are rarely enjoyable in the moment. After all, it’s only natural to ask for directions in a new city or town. Especially in the information age, travelers are easily frustrated by a lack of answers.


Instant Augmented Reality Translations on the Vuzix Blade

Making Communication Breakdowns a Thing of the Past

As a result, translation apps are popular amongst those on the road. However, the act of using a phone as a translation device isn’t exactly natural.

Especially after asking someone for directions on the street, it takes time to activate a translation app. These seconds can irritate locals who’ve been interrupted by tired backpackers in need of information.

Evidently, there is a need to make this process more fluid. Not surprisingly, the solution comes in the form of AR smart glasses.

Vuzix has partnered with Verizon and Zoi Meet to bring multilingual communication to the Blade


Subtitles for Everyday Interactions

Picture this: you’re in Tokyo, trying to navigate the city’s famously complex subway system. You plan to visit Mt. Fuji. Unfortunately, your trip from the city centre to Fujisan involves 4 transfers.

Suppose you get lost during one of the transfers, with little time to make your next train.

Instead of lining up at the info booth (where reps may not speak English), you approach a stranger. In broken Japanese, you try and pronounce the name of the platform you’re headed for. Luckily, the stranger understands and tells you where to go.

Through smart glass lenses, the stranger’s Japanese directions are translated into English before your eyes. Like watching a foreign film with subtitles, smart glasses could one day allow strangers to understand one another.

Ultimately, Vuzix believes that smart glasses can bridge communication gaps. In time, they could eliminate the need for misunderstandings the world over.

Professional translators may need to start considering new lines of work.


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